Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Scientific Events: Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Marc Tommasi served as PC member for ICML'19, CAP'19, IJCAI'19 (Senior PC chair), ECML'19 (Area Chair), NeurIPS'19 (Area Chair), APVP'19.

  • Jan Ramon served as PC member for AAAI'19, AISTATS'19 & '20, APVP'19, Bigdata'19, CIKM'19, DS'19, ECML/PKDD'19, GEM@ECML'19, IEEE-ICDM'19, ICML'19, IJCAI'19, ILP'19, LEG@ECML'19, LOD'19, MLG'19, NeurIPS'19, SDM'19 & '20.

  • Pascal Denis served as PC member for ACL'19 and EMNLP'19.

  • Aurélien Bellet served as Area Chair for ICML'19, and PC member for AISTATS'20, NeurIPS'19, PPML workshop at CSS'19, PPML workshop at NeurIPS'19, FL workshop at NeurIPS'19, PPAI workshop at AAAI '20, CAP'19.

  • Mikaela Keller served as PC member for ICML'19, CAP'19 and ECML'19.

  • Rémi Gilleron served as PC member for AISTATS'19 & '20, ICLR'19 & '20, ECML/PKDD'19, NeurIPS'19 and CAP'19.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Jan Ramon was member of the editorial board of Data mining and knowledge discovery (DMKD), and of the editorial board of Machine learning journal (MLJ)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Marc Tommasi was reviewer for the ECML-PKDD Journal Track.

  • Aurélien Bellet was reviewer for SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.

Invited Talks

Scientific Expertise

Research Administration

  • Mikaela Keller is member of the Conseil du laboratoire CRIStAL.

  • Marc Tommasi is co-head of the DatInG group (4 teams, 80 persons) and member of the Conseil Scientifique du laboratoire CRIStAL.

  • Pascal Denis served as an elected member of the Comité National du CNRS, section 34 (Sciences du Langage).

  • Pascal Denis served as a member of the CNRS Pre-GDR NLP Group.

  • Jan Ramon was a member of the Inria-Lille committee emploi-recherche (CER).